
·忻州市钟楼寺 05-04
·阳泉市郊区辛兴圣泉寺 05-04
·阳泉市平定县洪济禅 05-04
·阳泉市报国寺 05-04
·阳泉市平定县寿圣寺 05-04
·阳泉市平定县资福寺 05-04
·阳泉市盂县文殊寺 05-04
·阳泉市矿区释迦寺 05-04
·阳泉市西烟镇麦坡村玉佛寺 05-04
·阳泉市郊区半坡王兰寺 05-04


·忻州市钟楼寺 05-04
·阳泉市郊区辛兴圣泉寺 05-04
·阳泉市平定县洪济禅 05-04
·阳泉市报国寺 05-04
·阳泉市平定县寿圣寺 05-04
·阳泉市平定县资福寺 05-04
·阳泉市盂县文殊寺 05-04
·阳泉市矿区释迦寺 05-04
·阳泉市西烟镇麦坡村玉佛寺 05-04
·阳泉市郊区半坡王兰寺 05-04


2009-09-10 22:55:49 来源:大方广 作者: 【 】 浏览:6353次 评论:0



Thy good couduct will make thee friends, but thy evil conduct will make thee enemies.




He who ponders upon his conduct brings much good to himself.




A man is not punished for evil which he intends to commit. But for his good deeds he re-ceives reward, not only for what he has done, but also consideration for what he intended to do.




Of men who are practisers of good deeds the manifestation is then in their children.




Every duty and good work, which it is requisite to perform, they should accomplish while within that day, and not postpone for the tommorrow.




There is faith, love, concord, words of righteousness, truth, patience; nothing is better than these in the life on men.




See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves and to all men.




For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.




A doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways.




Consult not with a fool, for  he cannot keep counsel.




A man should never despise himself; For, brilliant success never attends on the man who is contemned by himself.




Appreciate the value of the time, for thou shalt never see it again, nor shalt thou find a like opportunity.




Do not allow the opportunity to fall from your grasp; and spend not your time uselessly.




Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.




A man reaps what he sows.




Who is rich? He who rejoices in his lot.




Choose for yourself righteousness, and a good life.




Trust your own judgement; no one’s advice is more reliable.




You shall not follow your personal desires, lest you deviate.




He who loves money will not be satisfied with money; nor he who loves wealth with gain.




A greedy man stirs up strife.




One may do penance but not have conquered anger; one may have knowledge without detachment; indeed a man may be great, but all the same be a prey to desire.




With material gains and desires, there is no satisfaction; such is avarice.




Do not fall into the hands of your desires!




Let each man direct himself first to what is proper, then let him teach others.




Who is wise? He that learn from every man.




Say not: when I have leisure I will study, lest you may not have it!




Do no evil, and evil will never befall you.




To depart from evil is understanding.




The love of money is the root of all evils.




There is no fire like lust, and no chains like those of hate.




If a man returns evil for good, evil will not depart from his house.




Whoever has done a atom’s weight of good shall see it, and whoever has done an atom’s weight of evil shall see it also.




Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.




Repay no one evil for evil.




Do not hate one another and do not be jealous of one another and do not boycott one another, and be servants of Allah as brethren.




One must not insult those of deformed limbs, the uneducated, the old or the ugly, the poor and the lowly.




The shameless are bound for hell.




Do not side with the majority to do wrong!




The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they know not over what they stumble.




All sorts of crookedness mean death. All sorts of sincerity all called the Eternal.




Turn away from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it.




The Evil Impulse is sweet in the beginning and bitter in the end.




The Evil Impulse is like a cake of yeast. The yeast is placed at one spot in the dough, but it ferments throughout it. The Evil Impulse does likewise.




There is a higher and a lower form of penitence. If a man repents of his evil deeds and ceases to do them again, his penitence is a lower form. If he repents of his evil deeds and then strives to perform good deeds, his penitence is a higher type.




If such be the quantity of sin that the sin is one filament of the eyelashes more in weight than the good works are, that person arrives in hell.




Even if a sin be trifling it is not desirable to commit it.




Envy not the glory of a sinner; for you know not what shall be his end.




We walk by faith, not by sight.

Tags: 责任编辑:admin
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