
·忻州市五台山普乐寺   &nb 05-16
·忻州市五台山普安寺(普庵寺) 05-16
·忻州市五台山狮子窝大护国文殊寺 05-16
·忻州市五台山法喜寺 05-16
·忻州市五台山弥陀院 05-16
·忻州市五台山真容寺 05-16
·忻州市五台山东台顶望海寺 05-16
·五台山南台顶普济寺 05-15
·忻州市五台山西台顶法雷寺 05-15
·忻州市五台山北台顶灵应寺 05-15


·忻州市五台山普乐寺   &nb 05-16
·忻州市五台山普安寺(普庵寺) 05-16
·忻州市五台山狮子窝大护国文殊寺 05-16
·忻州市五台山法喜寺 05-16
·忻州市五台山弥陀院 05-16
·忻州市五台山真容寺 05-16
·忻州市五台山东台顶望海寺 05-16
·五台山南台顶普济寺 05-15
·忻州市五台山西台顶法雷寺 05-15
·忻州市五台山北台顶灵应寺 05-15


2010-05-12 12:34:29 来源:法界佛教总会 作者:宣化上人 【 】 浏览:17660次 评论:0


震旦缘熟达摩来 对朕不识机未赅

神光熊耳跪九载 慧可积雪臂独裁

以心印心付大法 初祖二祖续命脉

六次受害毫无损 只履西归留永怀



When conditions in China were ripe, Master Bodhidharma went there.
The emperor failed to recognize him; his time had not yet arrived.
But Shen Guang knelt for nine years at Bear's Ear Mountain
And became Hui Ke after the snow was stained by his severed arm.
The Master transmitted the mind seal of the Great Dharma
To him as the Second Patriarch, continuing the wise traditions.
Poisoned six times, the Master was never harmed in the least.
Carrying a single shoe, he returned to the West, never to be forgotten.

by Venerable Master Hua,

November 15, l983

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