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·忻州市五台山普乐寺   &nb 05-16
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佛陀出生教人离苦得乐 (二)
2009-09-05 22:42:10 来源:网络转载 作者: 【 】 浏览:2711次 评论:0




 (1) 兜率说法 观缘下生


Teaching in the Tusita Heaven, Anticipating the Descent to Earth.

Upon the completion of his cultivation, Vessantara Bodhisattva (1) resides in the inner court of Tusita Heaven, teaching celestial beings and awaiting the five conditions of sentient beings, time, place, country, and parents to come into existence. When they arise, he could be reborn on Earth to complete the path to Buddhahood.




  (1)Through eons of cultivation and reincarnation cycles, before Buddha Shakyamuni attained enlightenment, he was once reincarnated as a bodhisattva. The name of this particular Bodhisattva meant, “A holy being who understand how to utilize true wisdom.”

(2) 白象托梦 摩耶感胎


The White Elephant Dream, Maya Felt the Conception of the Buddha.
The White Elephant Dream, Maya Felt the Conception of the Buddha.

(3) 蓝毘尼园 太子降生


Lumbini Park, the Birth of the Buddha.

On April 8, 543 B.C, Queen Maya took leave from the king to await labor at her mother’s house. While resting at Lumbini Park she gave birth to the prince. Helping her to deliver the child were the four celestial emissaries from the Great Brahmalokas Heaven. Rays of light and beautiful music adorned the earth and hundreds of flowers blossomed all at once. Immediately upon his birth, the prince stood up and took seven steps. As his feet touched the earth, lotuses sprang up. Raising his hand he said: “Worlds above, worlds below, I am the Noble One.”.


(4) 仙人占相 预言成佛


Astrology Reading, Prophecy of Buddhahood.

Asita, the celestial astrologer, foretold the fate of the prince as he praised him, “I will not worship the Bramalokas Heaven but I will worship this child.” He prophesized that the prince, who had displayed sufficient signs, would become a Buddha, the one who will save all beings and become the noblest holy person.


(5) 太子命名 首布福田


Naming Ceremony, the First Offering to the Field of Blessings.

On the fifth day after the prince’s birth, King Suddhodana invited authoritative Brahmin scholars to name the prince. The prince sat up unperturbed and everyone bowed to him. Due to all the auspicious signs at birth, he was named “Siddhartha,” which means “he who has achieved his goals.”


(6) 允文允武 艺冠全印


Master of Civil and Military Affairs, Champion of All India.

Seven days after the prince was born, Queen Maya passed away and ascended to the celestial realm. The prince’s aunt, Mahaprajapata, nursed him. The prince grew to be intelligent and skillful in both civil and military affairs. None of the youths in India could match his physical or intellectual achievements.


(7) 太子完婚 耶输相伴


Wedding of the Prince; Princess Yasodhara with the Prince.

The prince often thought about the injustice of the caste system (2). King Suddhodana worried that Asita’s prophecy might come true and so he arranged a wedding for the prince even though the Prince was only seventeen years old. The king hoped that the beautiful and gentle Princess Yasodhara would help the prince forget about his yearning to leave home and become a wandering mendicant.


(8) 游观四门 悲睹四苦


At the Four Gates, the Prince Witnessed the Four Miseries.

The pleasure of the palace could not bewitch the prince. He asked permission from his father to tour the four famous gates and he sadly discovered the four miseries of living, old age, sickness, and death. He deeply felt the approaching of impermanence and admired the serenity of the recluse. The prince’s determination to leave home was reinforced.


Tags: 责任编辑:admin
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