
·忻州市钟楼寺 05-04
·阳泉市郊区辛兴圣泉寺 05-04
·阳泉市平定县洪济禅 05-04
·阳泉市报国寺 05-04
·阳泉市平定县寿圣寺 05-04
·阳泉市平定县资福寺 05-04
·阳泉市盂县文殊寺 05-04
·阳泉市矿区释迦寺 05-04
·阳泉市西烟镇麦坡村玉佛寺 05-04
·阳泉市郊区半坡王兰寺 05-04


·忻州市钟楼寺 05-04
·阳泉市郊区辛兴圣泉寺 05-04
·阳泉市平定县洪济禅 05-04
·阳泉市报国寺 05-04
·阳泉市平定县寿圣寺 05-04
·阳泉市平定县资福寺 05-04
·阳泉市盂县文殊寺 05-04
·阳泉市矿区释迦寺 05-04
·阳泉市西烟镇麦坡村玉佛寺 05-04
·阳泉市郊区半坡王兰寺 05-04


佛陀出生教人离苦得乐 (一)
2009-09-05 22:42:10 来源:网络转载 作者: 【 】 浏览:2705次 评论:0

The Buddha Came to Our World to Teach All People to
Eliminate Suffering and Attain Happiness

All beings possess Buddha-nature and thus should learn to attain Buddhahood

Shi Chin Kung

The Events in the Life of Buddha Sakyamurni
An agonizing world filled with hatred and rage is a world of Hell.
A painful world filled with greed, desires and madness is a world of
Hungry Ghosts.
A world of ungrateful, dishonorable, corrupt and shameless people is a world
of Animals.
The Buddha was born to bring reconciliations and
resolutions to these Three Worlds.





  There are numerous paintings and sculptures that depict the life of Buddha Shakyamuni.All the photographs in this book were shot in Yuanheng Temple, Kaoshiong. Yuanheng Temple was built in the reign of Emperor Qianglong of the Qing dynasty. It is one of the few remaining historical temples in Taiwan. Its original name Yuanxing Temple has since been changed to Yuanheng Temple. The style of the architectural design was delicately simple and subtly elegant. In 1973, Venerable Pumiao led followers to finish the building of the main cultivation hall where the main statue of Buddha Shakyamuni is respectfully placed. On the inside and outside of the main hall, there are sculptures of the life of the Buddha. There are thirty-two sculptures in total. All the sculptures were created in styles that portray solemn magnificence.

  Of the thirty-two sculptures, the 24th and 27th are partly hidden from the camera due to their location. Hence the sculptures can only be presented partially here. All captions for the sculptures are the original explanations. Minor footnotes were added for clarification purpose.

Tags: 责任编辑:admin
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