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·忻州市五台山普乐寺   &nb 05-16
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佛陀出生教人离苦得乐 (五)
2009-09-05 22:42:10 来源:网络转载 作者: 【 】 浏览:2713次 评论:0

(25) 提婆达多 害佛毁教


Devadatta Tried to Harm the Buddha and Destroy Buddhism.

Devadatta, the one who dreamt about betraying the Buddha and destroying Buddha and his sangha, deeply repented his deeds just before his death. He fell into hell as a demonstration of karma but in actual fact he was a constructive adversary of Buddha, who
had vowed to help Buddha complete his path by going against the Buddha, life after life, to reinforce Buddha’s determination to achieve enlightenment. Hence the Buddha considered him a good friend, and thus spoke of the Devadatta Chapter during the Lotus Sutra Assembly.


(26) 佛度姨母 尼众始有

佛姨母摩诃波闍波提,妻耶输陀罗率宫女五百人,恳请准入僧团, 佛再三拒绝后得阿难请求,立「八敬法」(注12)后,准女众出家,是为比丘尼之始。

Buddha Ordained his Aunt, the Beginning of Bikhunnis.

The aunt of Buddha, Prajapati, and his wife, Yasodhara, led five hundred court ladies, approached the Buddha and asked to join the Sangha. Three times the Buddha refused. Ananda personally begged the Buddha for approval and Buddha drawn up the Eight Commands (12) for the ladies to follow, thereby permitted the establishment of the order of Bikhunnis.



(12)The eight commands cover the manners how Bhikkhunis should treat and respect Bhikkhus. (Excerpted from The Seeker’s Glossary of Buddhism.)


(27) 父王驾崩 说法荼毘


Death of King Suddhodana, Buddha Spoke at the Jhapita Ritual.

King Suddhodana was old and ill. Buddha went back to Kapilavastu to wait on his father and spoke to his father about the Dharma. King Suddhodana immediately attained arhatship and passed away peacefully. Buddha gave away treasures and material goods, attended his father’s funeral and spoke at the Jhapita (cremation) thus fulfilling his role as a son.


(28) 忉利说法 报佛母恩


Preaching at the Trayatrimsha Heaven, Repaying his Mother’s Gratitute.

Indebted to his mother’s kindness, the Buddha ascended the Trayatrimsha Heaven and preached the Ksitigarbha Sutra (the Earth Store Sutra) to his mother. The talk also convinced King Indra, ruler of the Trayatrimsha Heaven, to take refuge in the Buddha, and he vowed to uphold and protect the Triple Gems.


(29) 天宫下降 弟子迎驾


Descending to Earth, Welcomed by his Disciples.

When the Buddha had fulfi lled his fi lial duty toward his mother, he descended from the Trayatrimsha Heaven, escorted by Lord of Mahabrahma, who invited the Buddha to preach. The lay and monastic followers of the Buddha raced to become the fi rst to welcome the Buddha. Bikhunni Uppalavanna used her supernatural power and appeared fi rst to welcome the Buddha. Subhuti, on the other hand, sat still in a cave, welcoming the Buddha in the deep meditative state of Samadhi. The Buddha showed his disciples, the physical body of Subhuti, meeting the Dharma-body of the Buddha. Thus, he was the fi rst to welcome the Buddha.


(30) 鸯崛摩罗 遇佛得度


Angulimalya Saved by the Buddha.

Angulimalya in his quest for truth, believed in the practice of the fanatic Sivaitic sect, that if one killed one hundred people the truth will come forth. The one hundredth person he would kill was his mother. Fortunately the Buddha used his inspiring virtue and convinced Angulimalya to lay down his sword and took refuge with the Triple Gems.


(31) 娑罗双树 大般涅槃


At the Twin Sala Trees at Salavana, the Buddha Entered Mahaparinirvana.

It was time for the Buddha to leave this world. Under the twin sala trees at Salavana, Buddha converted his last disciple, Subhadra. He briefly talked to his disciples about the essence of the Dharma. He admonished his disciples to learn from abiding in the precepts. At mid-night, on February 15, 364 B.C., the Buddha entered into nirvana, at the age of 80.


(32) 分祀舍利 人天争供


Distributing the Sarira, Human and Celestial Realms Fought to Obtain the Sarira.

The sarira that appeared after Buddha’s Jhapita were divided equally among celestial, human and palaces of the dragon kings. In the human realm, eight kings were about to wage battles with one another in order to possess Buddha’s sarira. After several negotiations, the eight kings (13) agreed to divide the sarira equally among them. They erected stupas to house the sarira and the unusual and auspiciousness sarira remained until today.



(13)After the Buddha entered Mahaparinirvana, there were eight kings who requested Buddha ‘s remaining sarira. Major dispute had almost erupted. A Brahman negotiated between all parties and finally, all agreed to have the sarira distributed equally to all eight countries. Longer Agamas Sutra stated that the following eight kings were able to bring back and stored the sarira in the stupas.

1. Ajatasattu, king of Magadha.
2. Licchavis of Vesali.
3. Sakyas of Kapilavastu.
4. Bulis of Allakappa.
5. Koliyas of Ramagama.
6. Brahmin of Vethadipa.
7. Mallas of Pava.
8. Mallas of Kusinara.



To become a saint is to do nothing more than
to diligently teach others and be courageous in
correcting one’s own faults.
A saint’s transformational influence on and
contribution to society is, again, nothing more
than to teach others and be courageous in
correcting one’s own faults.

Chin Kung
August 1999

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