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·忻州市五台山普乐寺   &nb 05-16
·忻州市五台山普安寺(普庵寺) 05-16
·忻州市五台山狮子窝大护国文殊寺 05-16
·忻州市五台山法喜寺 05-16
·忻州市五台山弥陀院 05-16
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·忻州市五台山东台顶望海寺 05-16
·五台山南台顶普济寺 05-15
·忻州市五台山西台顶法雷寺 05-15
·忻州市五台山北台顶灵应寺 05-15


佛陀出生教人离苦得乐 (三)
2009-09-05 22:42:10 来源:网络转载 作者: 【 】 浏览:2712次 评论:0

(9) 捨妻离子 决定出家


Biding Farewell to His Son and Wife; Prince Siddhartha Leaving the Palace.

The Prince reflected on the reality of sorrow and joy, union and separation; birth, old age, death, and suffering. He wanted to seek a way to liberate oneself from sufferings. He made up his mind, and after lingering a few moments, left his wife and son to pursue his ideal.


(10) 星夜飞骑 追求真理


Riding on a Starry Night in Search of the Truth.

On a starry night, the prince mounted Kanthaka (3), his white horse, while Chandaka (4), his groom, held on to its tail. They left the palace late at night. The men were as luminous as the bright moon and the steed as white as the white clouds. Together they galloped deep into the hills and wilderness to seek the way that will liberate humans from pain and
suffering, and uncover the truth of life.


(11) 削髮弃俗 着乞士服


Cutting Off His Hair, Prince Siddhartha Renounced the Secular World and Put on the

Robe of a Mendicant.
Unmoved by Chandaka’s persuasion, the prince cut off his hair and put on a mendicant’s robe. He gave his royal attire to Chandaka and left gracefully. His horse, Kanthaka, neighed and cried while Chandaka could do nothing but tearfully watch the departure of the prince.


(12) 志坚意决 六年苦修


With Determination, the Prince Lived Six Years in Austerity.

The determined prince set out to seek the truth but initially encountered disappointment. He diverted to follow the ascetics and for the next six years underwent severe deprivations while meditating in the Uruvilva Forest. The king was very sad, as he could not convince the prince to come back to the palace. He ordered five attendants to accompany the prince. The prince lived on one sesame seed and one grain of wheat a day until the shine from his face withered away and his body was nothing but skin and bones. But despite all this, his will to seek the truth did not falter.


(13) 淨尘去垢 牧女献乳


The Prince Wiping Off the Dust and Washing Away the Dirt, the Shepherdess Offering Rice Milk.

After six years of painful cultivation, the prince still had not found the truth. He realized that body and mind are one, and only when the mind is pure will liberation become possible. He arose from where he had been sitting and walked into the Nairanjana River. He washed away all the dirt on his body and finally fell because he was too frail. The shepherdess Sujata and her slave girl Punna saw this and offered rice milk to the prince. He accepted the milk and upon drinking some of it found his strength return. He continued to seek the truth.

(14) 误会太子 五侍求离


Misunderstanding the Prince, the Five Attendants Left Him.

Ajnata Kauadinya, Asvajit, Bhadrika, Dasabala-Kasyapa and Mahanama-Kulika, the five attendants who had accompanied the prince for six years of austerities because they respected the Prince’s noble ideal saw him accepting the rice milk from the shepherdess. Disappointed at seeing this and thinking that the prince had abandoned his ideals, they left him. The prince made a vow that when he became a Buddha he would teach the five attendants first.


(15) 誓成佛道 智伏群魔


Vowing to Attain Buddhahood, the Prince Conquered the Army of Demons.

The prince, sitting on the Diamond Throne under the Bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya, vowed, “If I do not attain complete enlightenment, I will not leave this seat.” While the celestial beings rejoiced, the demons threatened and seduced the prince but to no avail.


(16) 夜见明星 成等正觉


Looking up at the Bright Stars, He Became the Fully Enlightened One.

Just before dawn on December 8, 513 B.C., Prince Siddhartha, seated under the Bodhi tree, looked up at the bright stars and realized the profound meanings of dependant origination and the middle way, and that all beings innately possessed the wisdom of the Tathagata but lost it due to deluded thinking and attachments. After exhaustive pondering and numerous painstaking experiences, the prince attained the great realization. Thus, all beings shall receive salvation as the Prince became the noblest Buddha.


Tags: 责任编辑:admin
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