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·忻州市五台山普乐寺   &nb 05-16
·忻州市五台山普安寺(普庵寺) 05-16
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·忻州市五台山西台顶法雷寺 05-15
·忻州市五台山北台顶灵应寺 05-15


佛陀出生教人离苦得乐 (四)
2009-09-05 22:42:10 来源:网络转载 作者: 【 】 浏览:2714次 评论:0

(17) 富商献供 天王呈钵


The Rich Made Offerings, the Heavenly King Offered Alms Bowl.

After the path to enlightenment was completed, Buddha sat alone under the Bodhi tree for forty-nine days, rejoicing at finding the way to liberation from suffering. Two wealthy merchants passed by and so impressed by the sublimities of the Buddha that they offered the Buddha honey milk. The Four Heavenly Kings (5) took an alms bowl from the dragon’s palace and turned one into four, and used them to hold offerings for Buddha. When the offering was over, the four bowls turned into one again and became the alms bowl of Buddha in which offerings by human and heaven realms would be placed.



(5)The titles of the four deva-kings are: The Eastern Deva ,keeper of kingdom; the Southern Deva, of increase and growth; the Western Deva who are Broad-Eyed; and the Northern Deva who hears much and is well-versed. They are external generals of King Indra, the mighty Lord of Devas. Half way up the Sumeru Mountain lays the Gandhara Mountain. The mountain has four sides each housing the domain of one Deva King who protects one world in each direction. Hence, the four deva-kings are also known as the
Guardians of the Worlds. They reside in the atur-maharaja-kayikas, or the four heavens of the four deva-kings, the first tier in the Desire Realm, the beginning of Celestial Realm.


(18) 梵天请法 甘露门开


Brahmadeva Invited Buddha to Preach, thus the Door of Nourishing Dews Opened.

The Buddha saw that sentient beings were stubborn and foolish, they will hardly trust the truth, and so he pondered about entering nirvana (6) as a way to prevent them from blaspheming the Dharma. However, Brahmadeva appeared and invited the Buddha to preach the Dharma to nourish the field of sentient beings. Buddha accepted the invitation and thus, began the five period (7) teachings of Avatamsaka, Agamas, Vaipulya, Prajna, and the Lotus Nirvana.



(6)Nirvana refers to the state of liberation through full enlightenment, in which one abides in neither Samsara nor ultimate quiescence. (Excerpted from The Seeker’s Glossary of Buddhism.)



(7)The “five periods” is a chronological account of Buddha’s teachings compiled by Master Zhi-zhe of the Tian-tai school. (Excerpted from The Seeker’s Glossary of Buddhism.)


(19) 初转法轮 度五比丘


At the First Turn of the Dharma Wheel, the Five Former Attendants were Converted.

In order to fulfill his promise, the Buddha set out to the Deer Park (8) at Sarnath to convert his five former attendants, among them was Ajnata-Kaundinya and the rest. When they saw the Buddha from a distance, they concurred to ignore the Buddha. As the Buddha approached, they could not help but be moved by the Buddha’s sublimities. Together they knelt down and listened to Buddha’s teaching on the Four Noble Truths, that “of pain, of coming together, of extinguishing of pain, and of the way to such extinction.” Thus began the first turning of the Dharma wheel (9), and the five attendants attained arhatship and became known as the five bhiksus. This marked the establishment of the Triple Gems (10).


  鹿野苑位于古印度中部的波罗奈国, 旧称伽尸国,近世称为贝那拉斯(Benares),即今之瓦拉那西(Varanasi)。据《大唐西域记》卷七载,此国都城临西殑伽河。城西北之鹿野苑,即佛陀成道后最初教化五比丘之地,尔后,佛常游化至此教化众生,係六大说法处之一。

(8)The Deer Park (Mrgadava) in Sarnath located on the outskirts of Benares, AKA Varanasi. It was here where Buddha Sakyamuni first taught the contents of his enlightenment to the original five disciples. It was also one of the six major locations where the Buddha later gave lectures to the public.




(9)Dharma Wheel symbolizes the preaching of a Buddha. A Dharma wheel is likened to a wheel because it crushes all illusions. It also symbolizes that the Dharma passes on to infinite generations like a wheel keeps turning and reaches unlimited distance. (Excerpted
from The Seeker’s Glossary of Buddhism.)



  佛,乃指觉悟人生之真象,而能教导他人之佛教38 教主,或泛指一切诸佛;法,为根据佛陀所悟而向人宣说之教法;僧,指修学教法之佛弟子集团。以上三者,威德至高无上,永不变移,如世间之宝,故称三宝。参考《佛学常见辞汇》

(10)Triple Gem represents the Buddha, which is the supremelyenlightened being, the Dharma, which is the teaching imparted by Buddha, and the Sangha, which is the congregation of monks and nuns, or of genuine Dharma followers. In Buddhism, these three fundamental aspects that form a basis for belief and practice are extremely precious, thus the name of Three Jewels, or Triple Gem. (Excerpted from The Seeker’s Glossary of Buddhism.)


(20) 智度耶舍 僧团建立丘


Yasas was Converted, Order of Monks Established.

Buddha ordained Yasas and his relatives, fifty people in total, to form the first regular order of monks who would follow Buddha as he moved around to teach. Yasas’s mother took refuge with the Buddha and became the first upasika (11) (Buddhist lay-woman) in Buddhist history.




(11)Upasika is a Sanskrit term for a female lay-disciple or laywoman who vows to observe the five precepts of no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no lying, no drinking intoxicants. She was pure and abided strictly to these precepts. She was thus
named Upasika.


(21) 引三迦叶 归正觉门


Leading the Three Kasyapa Brothers to the Right Awakening.

Uruvilva Kasyapa, Nadi Kasyapa and Kaya Kasyapah had one thousand followers who worshipped the Hindu fire god, Agni. Buddha went into the fire serpent grotto and conquered the fiery serpent. Uruvila Kasyapa and his followers were in awe. They listened to Buddha’s summon and let go of the three poisonous fire of greed, anger and delusion. The other two brothers were later converted and took refuge in the Buddha. From then on, one thousand followers became the disciples of Buddha.


(22) 王城说法 祇园演教


Preaching at Rajagha, Teaching at Jetavana Park.

After listening to the Buddha’s gatha, Sariputra and Maudgalyayana instantly awakened and led 200 students to follow the Buddha, followed by the three Kasyapas who led more than 1250 students to follow Buddha in his journey. When they arrived at the Rajagha city, King of Bimbisara offered the Venuvana-vihara to the Buddha. The northern state of Sravasti also yearned to hear the Dharma, and by the sincerity and enormous wealth of the elder Anathapindika, he impressed Prince Jeta to sell him a forest glade and erected monasteries in the named Jetavana park for the order of monks to stay, and thus began the propagation
of Dharma in northern India.


(23) 返迦毘国 度弟难陀


Back to Kapilavastu and Redeemed his Cousin, Nanda.

King Suddhodana invited the Buddha to go back to Kapilavastu when Nanda, son of Buddha’s maternal aunt, was about to be crowned and married. Buddha consoled his father and convinced Nanda to subdue his sensual desires to become a monk. Nanda later became one of the ten chief disciples of Buddha most famous for his ability to control his senses.


(24) 阿难众等 投入僧团


Ananda and Others Joined the Sangha.

Not long after Buddha’s arrival at Kapilavastu, his cousins Ananda; Aniruddha; Mahanaman; Devadatta and others joined the Sanhga (order of monks), while Buddha’s son, Rahula, was ordained by Sariputra; and all had become great monks in due time. Rahula became the chief of esoteric practice, and Ananda became the chief among Buddha’s hearers, who helped in the compilation of the Buddhist canon, thereby allowing the Dharma to remain in this world.

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